Thursday, March 21, 2013

Something Blue

Hi Everyone--

Different people have different priorities. Thank God! Wouldn't the world be a boring place if we all wanted or liked exactly the same things? I don't think anyone wants a world with all the same clothes, music, food, etc. Well, I realize that fatherhood (or motherhood) isn't for everyone--and I respect that! I think the world would be better off with fewer parents, but that also if the people who chose to become parents were totally committed to raising good people.

Recently my wife gave birth to our first child--a boy. I can't say if he'll grow up to be smart, kind, healthy, athletic, artistic? I do know that he will grow up better if I take the time to be there for him, and for my wife, too. I am committed to being the best Dad I can be for this little man. So, I am taking a break from the blog for awhile. I don't think my vast readership will mind too much if I am not providing pearls of wisdom on trial strategy or environmental issues? Please understand: I've got diapers to change.

See you in six months or so?